Tuesday 19 July 2011

2011 - 2012

This following year promises to be a strong one for CISS; we are aspiring to run a presentation, workshop or project each week during term time.

This page will be updated with a more accurate calendar when dates are confirmed.

Physical Security
Kaspersky Lab Talk
Digital Forensics Talk
Third year Bsc Project Talks
Phd / Msc Project Talks
Intrusion Detection Systems Talk

Participation (Workshops/Visits)
Physical Security
Kaspersky Labs
Dan's Tutorials
Bletchley Park Visit
Build a Cantenna
Capture the Flag

Research Projects
A number of research projects will be undertaken to raise the society's profile as well as security issues within the community.

Capture the Flag

CTF; Capture the Flag is a computer security war game that takes place on an isolated network. Each team is given a machine (or small network) to defend. The teams are scored on both their success in defending their flag as well as on their success in attacking opposing team's flag. The purpose of the game is to enable students to apply penetration testing and intrusion detection techniques.

Cantenna Building Workshop

This workshop will allow attendees the opportunity to build and use a Cantenna wireless range extender. The outcome of this workshop will allow users to gain the skills to connect to wireless networks over great distances.
Follow the link to find out more.

Bletchley Park Visit

This visit will be to explore Bletchley Park and its computing museum.
visit there website

Dan's Tutorials

Dan will undertake various interactive workshops throughout the year. The lectures will be on many modern day security topics that are either not covered in the CIS course syllabus or taking a slightly different line. These tutorials will begin with basics such as modifying HTML and move on to more complex tasks such as privilege escalation and buffer overflows. In his practicals Dan intends to show various attacks on a vulnerable server (within our controlled lab environment) with the intention of raising awareness of computer security.

IDS Presentation

A presentation will be held by a leading industry specialist on computer intrusion detection systems.

Phd & Msc Students

A great opportunity for students and potential employers to see the research being undertaken by students.